Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It's Been Awhile....Oops! ;)

So, yea, it has been a while since we have posted.  Remember when we said in the beginning that this blog was going to be a chronicle of real life struggles and real life successes.  Well, I guess you could say we have been in a bit of a struggle of late.  Just an example of how life so easily gets in the way of what we set out to do.  So much is going on now.  Jason (my husband) has been working like crazy lately filling in for a coworker who has been under the weather so he has basically been around for dinner and then off to bed to get ready for another day of the rat race.  We have also recently transitioned to the "big girl bed" with our almost 3 year old so Mommy has not been getting a whole heck of a lot of sleep these days.  I am so bad about letting the teeniest break in routine knock me off of achieving my goals.  In other words, I am a stress/emotional eater at its finest.  So, one thing we, as a group, have all learned recently is that it is super important for us to make a decision within OURSELVES to better ourselves and go down the road of weight loss because if we are pretty much only relying on each other for support, then as soon as one person starts to struggle we sort of all go down, too.  Instead we talked last night about the fact that if we rely on ourself and do this for ourselves then when one person starts to falter, we can come together and provide support and help pick that other person up.  So, basically, we realize we need each other for accountability and for support but in order to be the best friend and support network we can be, we need to first of all go down the road of health and weight loss for ourselves.

We came up with a few things to hopefully help us stay on our path.  We are going to begin to email each other daily or close to it and answer a few questions in the email - an accomplishment we made, something we did not do so great at, a small goal we had for the day and whether or not we met that goal.  That will really help us to daily hold each other accountable.  We also assigned each person a day of the week to weigh in and to subsequently update our blog.  We meet on Tuesday nights so we decided to take a break from the blog on that day and most weekends, but we are aiming to update the blog Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.  We left last night with a renewed drive to succeed knowing that along the way we will deal with more struggles because we are indeed human and we may take two steps forwards and one step back, but at least we are still heading in the right direction and through the power of friendship and also love for ourselves, we will eventually succeed in this journey.  

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